
Intelligence (AI)

AI Vision-based Technology

Artificial Intelligence is used to detect, count, and classify different types of containers, materials, and colours for separation.

This advanced technology positions Container Deposit Systems in a leading role towards developing innovative and convenient solutions to increase recycling rates and reduce landfill.

Containers in poor condition

Containers without labels

Crushed containers

Larger amounts of eligible containers returned

Our AI vision-based system doesn’t require barcodes to identify containers. This means customers can crush eligible containers to fit more in their carry bags before heading to a collection depot.

High Recognition Speed

containers per hour*

Reliable Technology

counting accuracy**
0 %

Accurate Technology

classification accuracy**
0 %

*Based on a site audit performed on an ART during business operating hours.     **On average.

The story behind CDS AI vision-based technology

AI vision-based technology was developed after observing that the available container detection and classifying technology in the market was failing to read containers in different conditions.

Crushed containers, with deformed shape and size or decoloured by damage and dirtiness, might not be detected by traditional barcode reading systems.

Starting Point

It all starts with a group of entrepreneurs that saw an opportunity through the use of technology to improve the productivity and efficiency in container recycling depots.

They observed that the available container detection and classifying technology in the market was failing to read containers in different conditions.

Crushed containers, with deformed shape and size or decoloured by damage and dirtiness, might not be detected by traditional barcode reading systems.”

Trial and Error

The first tentative solution is proposed and tested to implement sensors that could determine what material the containers were made of.

Nonetheless, due to the dirtiness condition and the liquid content that could still be found in them when returned, the accuracy of this system didn’t reach CDS standards.

Research and Development

Research is conducted by the University of South Australia alongside Sage Automation and Macweld Industries, to explore the opportunity to develop an innovative solution capable of detecting and classifying all sorts of eligible containers regardless of their condition.

A solution is born

An AI vision-based technology system tests positive for all the required standards and is ready to be rolled out with CDS recycling solutions. This technology is not only capable of reading containers in all sorts of conditions, but it also demonstrates to work at a higher speed than the current container classification solutions in the market.

Wednesday 19th of December 2018 marks the day the first Auto Redemption Terminal (ART) leaves the warehouse and CDS’s innovative technology makes an entrance into the recycling industry.

Continuous development and innovation

Nowadays, our AI Vision-based system has evolved and learnt to identify a larger variety of containers including Wine and Spirits.


At CDS, our commitment to innovation drives us to continuously research and develop cutting-edge technologies, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of our industry. We understand that the ever-evolving landscape of technology demands constant adaptation and improvement. Our dedicated team of experts engages in ongoing research initiatives, exploring emerging trends and breakthroughs to enhance our products and services. This relentless pursuit of excellence empowers us to deliver state-of-the-art solutions to our clients, setting new standards in the field. By embracing a culture of innovation, CDS remains a dynamic force, pushing boundaries and shaping the future of technology.”

Brett Duncanson | Executive Chairman