

The Power of Automated Container Redemption

There are several options in the market when it comes to container return and classification technology. From RVMs to customer-operated classifiers and automated redemption terminals, the decision relies on different factors, such as:

Depot Size and Layout
While smaller areas such as supermarkets, parking lots and other retail stores could...
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Expected Volumes
CDS Auto redemption terminals are capable of processing 120 containers per minute...
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Some technologies don’t require supervision to be used by customers, meaning...
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When it comes to evaluating different container redemption technologies, the location of...
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Container Eligibility
Different kind of technology available in the market offers diverse ways to recognise...
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Added Value
Are you considering potential customers with busy schedules? Those that want...
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Our auto redemption terminals are the best solution for fast-paced high-volume depots, allowing customers to quickly return large quantities of eligible containers even those in poor shape.

High Recognition Speed

containers per hour*

Reliable Technology

counting accuracy**
0 %

Accurate Technology

classification accuracy**
0 %

*Based on a site audit performed on an ART during business operating hours.     **On average.

Depot Size and Layout

While smaller areas such as supermarkets, parking lots and other retail stores could better suit a compact recycling solution such as an RVM, recycling depots and settled businesses with larger infrastructures are better suited for auto redemption terminals. These can process large quantities of containers per minute and are efficient solutions for drive-through services and bag drops.

Expected Volumes

CDS Auto redemption terminals are capable of processing 120 containers per minute, while a Bulk terminal can process larger quantities. In opposition, RVMs are usually designed for smaller amounts of returns. While ARTs can process all kinds of eligible containers through the same terminal (there’s a “glass lane” and “all other” lane), other machines may require customers to manually separate by commodities.


Some technologies don’t require supervision to be used by customers, meaning there’s no need for operators on-site. Nonetheless, supervised automated machines like those manufactured by CDS preserve jobs, utilise human skills for supervision and customer service enhance the customer experience, offer flexibility, ensure error detection, provide a human touch, and address social and economic concerns compared to fully automated systems.


When it comes to evaluating different container redemption technologies, the location of the return depot could have a strong implication in the decision. Are you setting up in a regional or metropolitan area? Is there parking available or will you aim for a drive-through facility? Are you in an extreme weather area that needs enough undercover space? Are the main operations other than container recycling?

Container Eligibility

Different kind of technology available in the market offers diverse ways to recognise eligible containers. While some rely on barcode reading, others rely on the public manually separating the empties. Nonetheless, crushed containers, with deformed shape and size or decoloured by damage and dirtiness, might not be detected by traditional barcode reading systems. In opposition, CDS introduces Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technology capable of learning and recognising eligible containers without the need for a barcode. This means even crushed and damaged containers are counted and classified.

Added Value

Are you considering potential customers with busy schedules? Those that want to collaborate with the local container scheme but lack of time to return each container? Acquiring a terminal that provides the option for a bag drop service could be a win-win solution. CDS technology enables operators to redeem containers on behalf of customers, who receive their funds directly into their nominated account or chosen donation ID.

Learn more about CDS solutions

Case Study

Discover how Future Recycling pioneers Victoria’s sustainability scene with their integration into the Container Deposit Scheme. Learn how they champion community engagement, promote recycling culture, and make a local impact.

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