
Social Enterprises

Transforming Communities with CDS Technology

At Container Deposit System (CDS), we understand the importance of social enterprises and non-profit organisations in fostering positive change within communities. Our mission is to empower these entities participating in their local container deposit scheme as depot operators with cutting-edge technology solutions.

Reinvest earnings into your organisation’s cause, amplifying your impact and fostering positive change

Financial Sustainability

Financial Sustainability

By participating in the deposit scheme and leveraging CDS technology, social enterprises can generate a steady stream of revenue. These earnings can then be reinvested into community initiatives, social activities, and causes that matter most, ensuring long-term financial sustainability.

Community Impact

Community Impact

By participating in the deposit scheme, social enterprises contribute directly to environmental sustainability and community welfare. Recycling becomes not only an environmentally friendly practice but also a means of generating revenue to support social initiatives.

Promoting Sustainability

Promoting Sustainability

Being part of the deposit scheme aligns with the values of sustainability and responsible business practices, enhancing the reputation of social enterprises among environmentally conscious consumers and stakeholders.

At Container Deposit System (CDS), we believe in the transformative power of technology to create inclusive and empowering environments for all.

Our cutting-edge solutions not only streamline recycling operations but also open doors to employment opportunities for individuals facing barriers, including those with disabilities.



Our intuitive technology is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of ability or experience. This empowers social enterprises to create inclusive workplaces where individuals of all backgrounds can thrive.

Empowerment Through Employment

Empowerment Through Employment

By utilising CDS technology, social enterprises can provide meaningful employment opportunities to people disadvantaged by disability. These individuals contribute their unique skills and perspectives to the workforce, enriching the fabric of the organisation and the community.



With advanced sensors and algorithms, our technology ensures precise counting and classification of containers, minimising errors and maximising refund accuracy.

High Recognition Speed

containers per hour*

Reliable Technology

counting accuracy**
0 %

Accurate Technology

classification accuracy**
0 %

*Based on a site audit performed on an ART during business operating hours.     **On average.

Case Study

Community Recycling WA is a not-for-profit Containers For Change Refund Point operator that provides fundraising and revenue-raising opportunities for schools, sporting & community groups and commercial venues.

This QLD depot is run by Incredable, a company which provides charitable services for the relief of suffering, distress, misfortune or helplessness of people with physical or mental disabilities and other disadvantaged people who have difficulty either obtaining or maintaining employment.

Transform your social enterprise into a catalyst for change with Container Deposit System’s solutions. Contact us today to discover how joining CDS can help you reinvest in your cause and create a brighter future for your community.