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Telstra Best of Business Embracing Innovation Award Winner 2022

WINNER – 2022 The Telstra Best of Business Awards – Embracing Innovation Award.

We are so thrilled and incredibly proud to announce that Container Deposit Systems is the South Australian winner of the prestigious 2022 Telstra Best of Business Awards – Embracing Innovation Award!!

We couldn’t have achieved what we have in such a short time without the incredible support of our clients, partners and staff. We are looking forward to a bright future growing our brand nationally whilst creating more Australian jobs and contributing to keeping bottles and cans out of landfill and waterways… win win!!

24,310 businesses entered The Telstra Best of Business Awards. 239 of these entrants were selected as state finalists across Australia. To now be a winner amongst so many other amazing businesses is a remarkable effort.

Container Deposit Systems was a state finalist in the following three categories:

• Embracing Innovation
• Promoting Sustainability
• Outstanding Growth
To win the “Embracing Innovation Award” is an honour and we believe it is recognition of our approach to providing world leading, semi-automated technology coupled with a 24/7 maintenance system that reduces Australia’s landfill and contributes positively to the circular economy.

Not only does it reduce the nation’s litter, it is manufactured in Australia, providing jobs for Australians in the development, manufacture and maintenance of the technology and also jobs in the recycling depots.

In only our third year of operation (our first Auto Return Terminal was installed in January 2019) being chosen as a winner in the Embracing Innovation award, has reaffirmed to us our vision, our goals, processes and values.

To be selected as a finalist, then to win is a reward for all of our customers; recycling depot owners who understood the efficiencies that our technology would provide and invested in our vision.

Our customers have now had their decision to invest reinforced by the judges of a high profile, highly regarded national award.

Our story is underpinned by community acceptance. Our technology would be of little value if the community didn’t use it.
They are using it.
Every week there are now approximately 30 million eligible containers returned to recycling depots using our technology.

Now our story includes “State Winner, Telstra Best of Business Awards 2022 – Embracing Technology Award.”